Last Work Day in Mayfield

Thursday we woke up for our last work day here in Mayfield, KY. We went to our worksite and worked on roofing the shed (which we finished) and putting the siding on the main house. As we were nearing the end of our work day we all got together and cheered on the people finishing up the roof (Abby, Ben, and Izzie). There was so much laughter in the air and so much excitement for Speak Now TV to come out later that night.

-Selena Reese

We got on the bus to come back from a long but fun work day. When we got back to the church we rested for a bit and got all cleaned up. After that, we had connect time. During connect time when worked in ways we could better our town when we got back. After connect time we made dinner, which was dinner was breakfast for dinner. After we all finished eating, Sam called us in the main room to do prayer partners. We all thought it was time to go to sleep after that but then Sam said we had one more thing to do. We did a drum roll……… and… it was a bake off! We all sat down with our groups for 5 minutes to discuss what we would bake, then we ran to Kroger. We all got the ingredients we needed to BAKE! My groups made brownie cookie bars. After the judges tried all the desserts they left the room to decide which one was the best. When they came back in we drum-rolled and my group won! After that we settled down until 11:00 because that is when the Speak now Taylor’s version came out! We listened to it until 12:00 because that is when we had to go to sleep.

-Olivia Rhoad

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